"Optimizing Businesses For a Long-lasting Growth!"
Agile Consulting is a leading regional consulting firm with two offices in Amman and Riyadh serving the MENA region. Agile Consulting was established in 2017 to make a difference in the management consulting offering in the market. Since then, Agile Consulting has offered its professional services to more than 200 entities, including government, non-profit and private organizations.
Our Vision: Help entities reaching their full growth potential by re-shaping the way business is conducted.
Our Mission: To build win-win partnership with our clients to promote the Business Excellence within organizations, with a clear approach of putting the clients’ best interest first to achieve tangible results and shape the future.
Our Services:
1) Strategy, Innovation & Growth
Strategic Planning;
Strategy Transformation Office (STO);
Business Model Innovation.
2) Lean, Six-Sigma & Optimization
Facility Layout Design;
Lean Six-Sigma Transformation;
Cost Cutting & Productivity Improvement;
Problem Solving;
Workforce Optimization "Time-Study";
Supply Chain, Inventory and Logistics.
3) People, Organization and Governance
Operating Model;
Business Process Re-engineering;
Agile Enterprise;
Program, Portfolio & Project Management;
Performance Management.
4) Digital, Technology and Data
Digital Strategy;
Technology Adoption;
Data Analytics and Insights;
Customer Experience;
Process Automation;
SIRI Assessment & Industry 4.0;
Our digital products/partners.
5) Quality, Risk & Compliance
ISO Compliance;
Regulatory Compliance;
Internal Audit.