PROSTER is a family company operating in the industry since 1985. We specialize in the following industries: electrical engineering, automation & robotics, mechanics and maintenance. In automation, this is the so-called End of line - automatic palletizing and packaging of products, as well as robotic stations. In electrical engineering and mechanics, services are aimed mainly at general contractors of halls and industrial facilities, such as sugar factories or sewage treatment plants, as well as production companies wishing to install machines, devices and entire production lines. We also offer pallet wrappers, strapping machines and palletizers from our partners - Tosa and Qimarox. For almost 40 years of activity, PROSTER has developed a team of over 170 professionals, ready to take on even the most difficult task in any corner of the world. Our technical team includes designers of electrical and automation systems, mechanical designers, project managers, electricians, mechanics fitter, automation and robotics engineers. The competences of the staff are confirmed by the quality management system in the design, manufacture, assembly and servicing of electrical engineering, automation, robotics and industrial mechanics - certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. We have completed over 5,500 projects around the world - experience and high competences are the main strength of our company. We listen, analyze and share knowledge. We are a team of enthusiasts of creative solutions. We train, motivate and appreciate employees. We work with local schools to help educate young people. We patronize the classes of mechatronics technicians and electrical technicians. We support local communities, cultural and sports events.
Our vision is to be the market leader in electrical engineering, automation and robotics, and industrial mechanics, thanks to the provision of services and products of the highest quality by competent and committed employees.