ACC set up India's first commercial Ready Mix Concrete (RMX) plant in Mumbai in 1994. Today this business has been reorganized as a separate company called ACC Concrete Limited which is one of the largest manufacturers of RMX in India with over 40 modern plants in major cities such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi. Hyderabad, Goa, Pune and Ahmedabad.
Numerous landmark structures in India's metro cities have been built using ACC Concrete - mega housing projects, townships, commercial complexes, factories, bridges, flyovers, roads and railways. Prestige projects such as the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, the Indore-Dewas bypass, Kolkata and Delhi Metro Rail projects. Most of the new bridge and fly-overs in Mumbai used ACC Concrete and could perhaps not have been completed on schedule without it.
ACC Concrete is supplied in a variety of grades and compositions to meet specific demands of customized applications - from simple requirements for small homes to High Performance Concrete to meet the complex needs of mega projects.