Health Development Initiative (HDI) is a Rwandan non-profit organization with a vision for a society in which everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health and well-being, regardless of social, cultural, economic, or any other status. Our mission is to empower individuals, communities, and institutions to improve community health and development in Rwanda. HDI was founded in 2005 by a group of Rwandan physicians united by a shared commitment to improve both the quality and accessibility of healthcare for all Rwandans. HDI’s founders knew that Rwanda’s most vulnerable and marginalized populations were not being heard by their communities, duty bearers, and policy makers. Thus, we began by listening and getting to know the people that we strive to serve, in order to bridge the gap between communities and the healthcare system.
Advocacy and Policy MonitoringImproving health and nutritionAdvancing Health and Rights for Key PopulationsSexual and reproductive health and rightsEmpowering those Affected and marginalized community membersand Community and Health development