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Work Experience
Sep 2014 - Present · 10 years and 3 months
Company Details
Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1990 with the goal of advancing organic agriculture through scientific research. As a leading champion of organic farmers across the U.S., OFRF works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems by cultivating organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production. Through these efforts, OFRF is creating a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system that values healthy environments and healthy people. OFRF grants have lasting impacts on organic farming knowledge and the lives of farmers and researchers. We regularly survey organic farmers about their challenges and information needs, and use their feedback to define research funding priorities. One unique facet of OFRF grant projects is close collaboration between farmers and researchers. Overall, OFRF grant funding has advanced scientific knowledge and improved the practices, ecological sustainability, and economic prosperity of organic farming. OFRF grants have played a crucial role in advancing the careers of young scientists, enabling them to leverage significant additional funding. OFRF works to ensure that policymakers are informed about organic farming issues and farmer needs by advocating for programs that support organic producers. We are currently engaged in a grassroots effort to support passage of H.R. 2436 – The Organic Agriculture Research Act, which would increase funding for the Organic Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) and make it part of the permanent Farm Bill budget (aka “the baseline”). OREI has a solid track record of delivering quality research and education about organic systems. The results of OREI-funded research have had impacts well beyond the organic community in areas such as soil health and seed breeding. Sign up for our monthly online newsletter at to receive the latest news and learn how you can get involved.
Year Founded
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HQ Location
P.O. Box 440 Santa Cruz, California 95061, US
organic farmingorganic farming policyorganic farming educatioorganic farming researchorganic farming grantsclimate change policyclimate change researchsoil health research
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