The Centre for Health Economics at Monash Business School is one of the world's leading research groups in the economic analysis of health and health care. We have the highest concentration of economists working in health in the Asia-Pacific region and the largest Health Economics PhD program in Australia, reflecting the reputation of our researchers and the quality of their mentorship.
The Centre is internationally recognised as being at the forefront of health economics research. Our research covers a wide range of issues in allocating individual and social resources to maintain and improve health. We have a particular focus on economic evaluation methods and applications to health technologies and prevention, the measurement of health and wellbeing, and the relationship between health and individual development particularly through social conditions in childhood, education, behaviour and employment. In all of this, our work informs current social issues and public policy, and we provide advice to government and other agencies on decision in public insurance coverage of pharmaceuticals, mental health, obesity policy, patient choices and preferences for treatment and prevention of illness.
The Centre offers a high quality seminar series and a flow of international visitors throughout the year, which provide opportunities for interaction and engagement in thought-provoking discussions. The Centre has strong national and international collaborations and close relationships with the Departments of Economics and Econometrics and Business Statistics here at Monash University. We have the capacity to host researchers in the field of health economics and we offer an annual competitive funded visiting scholars program. We also regularly host research workshops in areas of national and international relevance and importance, and are instrumental in organising annual Health Econometrics and Mental Wellbeing meetings.
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