We're on a mission to open-up access to fair & affordable credit.
We believe the consumer credit industry is secretive and stuck in the past. As a result, far too many are not getting a fair deal.
The NestEgg platform matches those looking for affordable credit with loan products offered by responsible lenders. Applicants can easily find the right loan from the right lender, see if they’d get accepted then apply. If not, get tips on how to get accepted.
The platform also provides credit decisioning services for responsible lenders so they can make better lending decisions for themselves and their customers. It does this by analysing credit, banking and other data in a fair, flexible and transparent way.
Automate your loan assessments: Are you struggling to get the right mix of borrowers? Spending too much time paper-shuffling? Our Decision Engine automates 'accept', 'decline' & 'refer' recommendations. Customise best-practise policy rules for more accurate loan, identity and affordability decisions. Hook-up to your own website & your back-office of choice.
Read more: https://nestegg.ai/decision-engine/
Turn website visitors into loan applicants: In a world of Amazon, Netflix and Uber, how many of your applicants are giving up in frustration? Drop our Decision Workflow into your existing website to make it easy for applicants to qualify themselves for membership and apply for loans. Track where they come from & seamlessly integrate with our Decision Engine.
Read more: https://nestegg.ai/decision-workflow/