Alexander Jewish Family Service a premiere social service agency dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals, families and communities. Alexander JFS serves members of the Jewish community as well as individuals of all faiths and backgrounds. We focus on strengthening family life, laying the foundation for self-sufficiency and improving both the social and economic conditions of our clients.
Alexander JFS offers a family of services that support and transform lives by empowering clients to strengthen skills, achieve goals and make decisions that will change the trajectory of their lives. Our services include: Behavioral & Mental Health Services, Coaching & Case Management, Disability Services, Chaplaincy Services, and the Career & Employment Center.
From its founding in 1913, Alexander JFS has provided assistance and professional resources to members of Houston’s Jewish community. Through the years, as our community’s needs have grown, so have our programs and staff. As a United Way Agency, Alexander JFS serves as a resource for residents all faiths and backgrounds in our catchment area as well as the Jewish community throughout Greater Houston.
All fees are affordable and based on a flexible fee scale which takes into account the client’s ability to pay. No client is ever refused quality care due to an inability to pay. Many services are covered by Medicare or private health insurance plans.