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About Adam Simonar
Adam Simonar has 2 current jobs including Studio Director at NVYVE Studios in 加拿大, Studio Director at NEEZO Studios. NVYVE Studios is a Computer Games company in 270 Britannia Road East
Mississauga, ON L4Z 1S6, CA with 7 employees
NVYVE Studios is an independent game development studio located just outside of Toronto. Founded in 2013 with one goal – to create great games and have a great time doing it. Our first title, P.A.M.E.L.A., an open-world survival horror game, launched into Steam Early Access in March 2017, and we are moving towards a full release in late 2018. We have spoken and demoed our game at multiple industry events including the Game Developer’s Conference, Unite, and Unite Europe.
We have big plans for the future, including completing our vision for P.A.M.E.L.A., as well as developing brand new concepts which we can’t wait to share.
Mississauga, ON (Greater Toronto Area)
Twitter: @nvyvestudios
Facebook: NvyveStudios
Instagram: NvyveStudios
270 Britannia Road East
Mississauga, ON L4Z 1S6, CA
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