Future Nature WTC is Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust’s wholly-owned Ecological Consultancy, providing a comprehensive range of professional ecological and environmental services to clients including local authorities, commercial companies, utility and infrastructure providers and homeowners.
Which ecology services do Future Nature provide?
Feasibility studies, design planning and mitigation hierarchy advice
Protected Species Surveys including bats, badgers, great crested newts, otters, white-clawed crayfish, dormice and reptiles
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
Bird Surveys including winter bird surveys and barn owl surveys.
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)
Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
Botanical Surveys
DNA & eDNA ecological surveys, testing, analysis and reports
Freshwater Aquatic Surveys
GIS Mapping software services
Data Records Searches
Ecological Clerk Of Works
Post-development compliance checks and site habitat and species monitoring programmes
Which biodiversity services do Future Nature provide?
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Assessment, including pre- and post-development BNG Calculation using Metrics 2.0 or 3.0 as required.
Combined PEA & BNG Calculation & Report
Biodiversity Enhancement & Management Plans to achieve post-development net gain unit target values.
Building with Nature (BwN) planning, assessments and accreditations
Habitat Regulations Assessments
Protected Species surveys
DNA & eDNA ecological surveys, testing, analysis and reports
Local wildlife Data Records Searches & analyses
GIS Map production
Ecological Clerk Of Works (ECOW)
Biodiversity Action Plans
Habitat Management Plans
Habitat Restoration Advice
Wildlife Monitoring Services
The Wildlife Trusts Biodiversity Benchmark (WTBB) assessment, advice & accreditation
BREEAM assessments
Green Infrastructure, Ecological Architecture, Brownfield & New Landscapes design