Colorado Dream Foundation is a long-term partner to youth. We believe that through a deep, sustained commitment to youth and their families, our community can thrive, and our work together can be a key catalyst in fighting systemic oppression. We travel side-by-side with the same group of youth and their families as they navigate education and life, offering academic, social, and emotional support as they learn, grow, and achieve their dreams. No one should take this journey alone. When we fulfill our promises, anything is possible.
Since our founding in 1988, Colorado Dream Foundation has leveraged proven methods accounting for the whole child and given youth equal access to the resources they need to succeed. Colorado Dream Foundation partners with youth and their families from elementary school through college and career using a comprehensive support model focused on four key pillars:
▪ Academic Development
▪ Emotional Wellness Development
▪ College & Career Development
▪ Systems Advocacy