Baiterek Venture Fund - BVF is a private equity fund that has been providing investment instruments to businesses in non-resource sector of Kazakhstan economy since 2014, supporting competitive and export-oriented production entreprises.
Our extensive knowledge of the market and professional experience in
investments, risk assessment and financial management allow us to create long-
term value for our partners and the sole shareholder Kazyna Capital Management JSC.
BVF is one of the leaders in private equity investments in Kazakhstan with investment portolio of USD 160 millon. We are taking active
role in developing private equity infrastructure in the country and contributing to
economic growth through offering most effective investment strategies and
instruments to businesses.
АО «Baiterek Venture Fund» - фонд прямых инвестиций, создан в 2014 году, входит в группу компаний Национального управляющего
холдинга «Байтерек» и является 100% дочерней
организацией АО «Казына Капитал Менеджмент». Фонд осуществляет
прямые инвестиции в перспективные компании несырьевого сектора
экономики Казахстана на стадиях запуска, роста и