Beseye provides an AI video analysis platform for security cameras, with our exclusive Skeleton-Print Technology, Beseye AI engine can read human characteristics and behaviors, it helps stores and public places perform automated security analysis, which not only provides protection but also analyzes the human behavior at the same time, this helps save a lot of time and demand for manpower which was spent on monitoring videos of security cameras.
This technology is now widely adopted by customers from different verticals, such as public safety, retail, public transportation, factories, and other fields around the whole world. Currently, Japan's Tokyu Techno Railway, JFE Steel factory (one of the largest steel factories in Japan), Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom, and Far EasTone Telecom (two of the major telecoms in Taiwan), and the world's top three mobile phone brands are all our cooperative partners.
Beseye 為專注 AI 影像分析平台之企業,其核心「人體骨幹分析技術」能清楚讀懂人體行為達成場域所需各項分析,是目前市場上精準度高、建置成本低、具高資料隱密性的「智慧影像分析」最佳解方。
目前 Beseye 的 AI 影像分析服務廣泛應用在製造、零售、公眾交通、公共安全等場域。服務範疇涵蓋全球:日本東急鐵道、日本大型鋼鐵工廠 JFE Steel、台灣友達光電、中華電信、遠傳電信的商店方案及全球前三大手機品牌的全台旗艦店,都已導入 Beseye 的影像分析平台。