Based at the University of Central Florida's Exolith Lab, Space Resource Technologies provides high-fidelity regolith simulants (dust/soil) to space agencies, researchers, private industry, and even educators. Using both our scientific and engineering grade simulants, the space community is able to test hardware or conduct research in a simulated environment so that humans can one day permanently live and work in space.
Space Resource Technology enables space development and growth by providing high-fidelity Lunar, Martin, and asteroid regolith (dirt) simulants to researchers and educators globally! We are committed to cultivating a sustainable future in space exploration by performing and supporting in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) research and providing the tools necessary to further the expansion of the space industry.
Space Resource Technologies collaborates with organizations like NASA and are often the last checkpoint before space hardware is launched into Space. This is just one example of how our products are being directly used on missions that are laying the groundwork for permanent Lunar and Martian habitats.
Lunar Regolith SimulantsMartian Regolith SimulantsAsteroid Regolith SimulantsCustom Regolith SimulantsFree Planetary Science Consultancyand Space Hardware and DevelopmentSpace Hardware and Development