GoRevive specialises in the business of buying and selling used/ pre-owned IT Equipments Viz- Laptops, desktops, servers and firewall networking equipment’s by giving these devices a new life by refurbishing them.
Today, E-waste is not just one of the largest, but also one of the most harmful & toxic forms of waste which is very difficult to dispose off sustainably. Thats where we step in as an Asset Life cycle management specialist and try to reduce the contribution to E-waste by refurbishing equipment that still has a lot to offer by getting them back to a brand new condition and extend the useful life of the asset.
With technology advancing at a rapid pace and getting more expensive as time passes, a graded laptop/desktop has many more benefits than just being cost effective. It enables you to access the latest trends & brands at almost half the prices and gives you the option of an upgrade in quicker successions.
THE GO REVIVE GUARANTEE- We will give you the highest price for all your old equipments along with a seamless customer experience.