Tomatoworld is an experiencecentre and fieldlab that expresses the great value of greenhouse horticulture and shows how knowledge, innovation and technology contribute to the solution of the world food challenge.
During your visit you will meet the innovative world of greenhouse horticulture. You will learn how the healthy and tasty products are grown in a sustainable manner. Tomatoworld's greenhouse is a field lab for Data Driven Automated growing & Robotics and shows the future of greenhouse horticulture.
Tasting of 50 varieties of tomatoes is included.
The technical, innovative and sustainable solutions from the Dutch greenhouse sector provide the nutritional, health and future of our planet.
Tomatoworld is the result of a joint effort of innovative and involved partners active within the international greenhouse horticultural sector. Companies that are proud of this vigorous and sustainable sector and the technological leading position that they have in the rest of the world.
The target groups include other sector peers, retailers, policymakers, students (adults and children) and foreign interested parties.
Tomatoworld is located in the centre of the Westland (Netherlands) and consists of a 1500 m2 greenhouse and an area of 500 m2 set up as an information and education centre.