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About Aaron Flora
Aaron Flora is Founder at Renewable Farms in Orange County, California, United States. Renewable Farms is a Civic and Social Organizations company in 1426 E Vermont Ave
Anaheim, ca 92805, US with 7 employees
Renewable Farms is a 501c3 non profit organization, and our mission statement is to enhance communities through events, agriculture, and education. There are 2 parts to our organization, on the farm and off the farm. Outside of the farm, we provide consulting for schools, hospitals, and even home owners on responsible agricultural practices. Regardless of how much land or resources they may have, we love teaching others how to implement life giving systems in their spaces. Within the farm, we educate and mentor school children, provide internship opportunities for college students, job training, educational workshops, event space, special needs programs, and tons of free food for local families. Both on and of the farm, we are also honored to provide jobs for vets, those coming out of incarceration, and anyone who's hit a rough patch and is willing to try again and get back on their feet.
If you want to learn more or partner up with us, please drop us an email anytime. Thanks
Responsible agricultural practicesAgricultural educationMentorship for school childrenInternship managementJob trainingEvent managementSupport for special needs programsFood distribution
Consulting services for responsible agricultural practicesEducational workshopsInternship opportunitiesJob training programsEvent spaceSpecial needs programsFree food distribution
Sustainable AgriclutureVeteran Career TransitioWork SkillsEvent SpaceNon-ProfitUrban Farm