We are a software company providing top-tier bespoke custom development of desktop, web, cloud, and mobile applications using the latest technologies and approaches. We are searching for solutions that bring the best value and significant benefits in terms of actual functionality or performance. Our knowledge and “know-how” are constantly expanding through training sessions, conferences, and seminars. Some of our projects are mentioned on our website, containing a description of solution architecture and used technologies. Our success is based on well-coordinated and experienced teams that work together for a long period of time.
We are running on a technology stack including:
Web development
ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Web API Core (REST), WCF (SOAP), React, Angular, SignalR, HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, AJAX, jQuery, TypeScript, JavaScript, Bootstrap, ES6, RestSharp, Knockout.js
Desktop development
C# .NET Core, Entity Framework Core, NHibernate, Dapper .NET, WFP (MVVM), UWP, DevExpress, ABP Framework, AutoMapper, DryIoc, Unity, Castle Windsor, PostSharp, Telerik, NLog, log4net
Database development
MS SQL Server 201x, T-SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle DB, PL/SQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Redis, NoSQL DB and Elasticsearch
Cloud development
Microsoft Azure Cloud Services, Azure Database, DocumentDB
Mobile development
Xamarin / Xamarin Forms, Xamarin Studio
Moq framework, Selenium, WatiN, unit, integration & UI tests