Starting from the concept that reality is an illusion, we create advanced technology-based formats to turn this concept into magic.
unreality collaborates with high-level technologists with over 20 years of experience each.
They all come from a broad range of technological background: from space-technologies developmental areas to artificial intelligence, from 3D graphics to IoT systems, from Virtual and Augmented Reality to Holograms.
All their expertise have been combined to work in the world of innovative software and solutions to develop and customize distinctive technological formats to astonish people and get them involved.
For unreality advanced technologies mean to constantly monitoring innovative companies and academic laboratories worldwide in order to be always on the cutting edge of latest and future technological trends.
This means that a research is always ongoing in order to understand how well known and applied technologies can revolutionize the communication & marketing sector.
unreality’s approach to a project always begins with accurate analysis aimed to create an unusual and original technological mix (presentation + interaction + intelligence).
Merging a strong planning synergy with creative professionals is crucial to reach an outstanding outcome. This powerful combination is transformed into a unique, amazing and engaging experience.
Last but not least, unreality has a laboratory and showroom available to test each format and show its new technologies to their clients.