The Seed Coaching Johanna Melchiorre

Wellness and Fitness Services · 2 Employees
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With the “I should”, “I have to” and “I must” we forget why we do the things we do and we are disconnected from our needs, running towards self-optimization and have difficulties to set our boundaries. I offer accessible tools and solutions for individuals experiencing stress and "busy-ness" to help them prioritize their well-being, to create and cultivate sustainable healthy habits. Simple to feel better with themselves and others. If we can change the way we respond to stress factors and outside environment on an individual level, or within the set up of a company, if we can be more in-tune with who we are and what we need to navigate this world, we might be then more open to help one another, contribute, embrace our vulnerabilities and be more tolerant towards the people around us. My purpose and my vision is to help people understand what is stress, where it stems from, and make those coping techniques and reflections accessible, simple, to touch as many as possible, and initiate the change step by step.
Year Founded
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Wellness and Fitness Services
HQ Location
Berlin, DE
mindfulnesslife coachingand stress management
  • Berlin, DE

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