skoah.® is a personal skin care company born in 2001. We create and retail a proprietary line of simply powerful skin care® products and sweet skin facials.
Personal training for your skin®. It's what we do. That statement defines our unique approach to skin care and our distinct expertise within the skin care industry. Personal training for your skin is not a guilty pleasure, sporadic indulgence or a beauty treatment. It is a skin care system which - like personal training in the gym - balances expert advice with independent 'training time'. Personal training for your skin is an ongoing skin fitness regimen which includes repeat facial visits, and regular product use.
skoah skin care gyms are renowned for delivering highly personalized facial treatments in a relaxed, friendly and beautifully designed retail environment. This refreshing attitude and atmosphere is best captured by our original tag line: 'no whale music, no bubbling cherubs, no pretentious attitude."
skoah creates facial experiences that are the starting point for lasting, meaningful and powerful 'kustomer' relationships. We exist to make everyone feel great from the skin in™.