photography by SKY is a portrait and commercial photography studio guided by the artistic direction and watchful eye of Kat Yannalfo. From our humble beginnings back in 2003 when we focused almost entirely on Dance photography, we have not wavered from our vision to deliver the most beautiful photographic images possible. Well, we believe we must be doing something right… Through only word-of-mouth, SKY has expanded into a full service photography studio, meeting the needs of a wide variety of customers. We are so appreciative to have achieved our reputation through the kind words and recommendations of our satisfied clients. At SKY, we use all the coolest equipment and cutting edge techniques. If you like tech stuff and would like to know about our gear, just ask! We love to talk shop.
HQ Location
245 East Main Street
photography by SKY
Ramsey, NJ 07446, US
Dance photographyPortrait photographyCommercial photographyCutting edge techniquesUse of latest equipment
Portrait photographyCommercial photographyDance photography
Executive Portraits and Corporate Event Coverage