mydiveo™ is the largest network of videos portfolios in the world. The mydiveo community of individuals (students, executives, artists & influencers), brands (local small businesses, Fortune 500 companies
& media companies) ignite discovery & collaborate quickly through the sharing of talent discovery video known as ‘diveos.’
mydiveo has worked with companies like America’s Got Talent, Comcast, White House AAPI, American Idol, Comcast, YouTube, AXS TV & Sirius XM to name a few. The company was co-founded by Roslynn Alba Cobarrubias & Driss Ouazzani & recently acquired by top ad network Engage:BDR for $7.4M.
'mydiveo LIVE' is a music magazine television show that can be seen in 15M+ homes via cable network MyxTV on cable distributors Time Warner Cable, DirecTV, Comcast, Cox, Sony Roku, etc. featuring the best in emerging musical talent. The show airs Mondays at 10PM.