Your journey through the cloud with itSoft will be unique.
Depending on your specic business objectives you might want to rent physical or virtual servers, VDI, storage, secure your data, help ensure business continuity, all while enhancing IT agility through a private, public and hybrid cloud infrastructure.
Solid partner
But whatever direction you take, you’ll need a solid partner to get you there. As you step through your journey, you’ll need company like itSoft whom provides support across all of your platforms: physical, virtual & cloud.
Full managed service
itSoft is not just a system integrator, we are a leading full managed service outsourcer and cloud provider. In the market today there are many system integrators, but only few who have the exibility and skills required to solve the majority of customer needs, regardless if customer requires installation of only one too many servers, or complex process service outsourcing or a comprehensive cloud solution, itSoft will deliver.
Cloud provider
Alternatively itSoft can be introduced as Cloud provider with very strong system integration services. Longtime experience in system integration, IT security and outsourcing, our own optical and computing infrastructure platforms hosted in the leading Tier 3 data center DataCross give us the ability to offer flexible and scalable
services, including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, to satisfy unique requirements of our customers enabling them to Achieve their required SLAs.