Istutter Center

Hospitals and Health Care · 11 Employees
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70 million people globally are estimated to stutter. Approximately 5% of children go through a period of stuttering. Of these, 1% is left with persistent stuttering. Stuttering is considered a communication disorder. A person who stutters (PWS) experiences a feeling of loss of control on his/her speech, in which, despite “know[ing] precisely what s/he wishes to say (…) is unable to say [it] because of an involuntary repetition, prolongation or cessation of a sound” (World Health Organization, 2007). These experiences may generate negative thoughts or emotions associated with communication that can have a profound impact on PWS’ communicative attitude and quality of life. Unfortunately, many PWS, in different places worldwide, cannot find appropriate treatment. Oftentimes, they are led to believe (by widespread myths, prejudice and misinformation) that stuttering cannot be efficiently managed. They become convinced that, contrarily to everyone else, they are not allowed to aim high and pursue their dreams. That is absolutely wrong. They are and they will. Our experienced and multidisciplinary team of Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs) is dedicated to the treatment and support of people who stutter from all ages. Our individual online sessions are held in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and include an internally developed stuttering platform that allow us to monitor treatment progresses and provide effective feedback. We use an integrated stuttering treatment methodology, which encompasses three intertwined but distinct approaches: cognitive therapy, management of communication attitudes and speech management. At iStutter, we consider specialised stuttering training as a fundamental pillar of our activity, thus we provide regular workshops and courses to SLPs who are passionate about stuttering and eager to embark on this challenging (and immensely rewarding) journey of helping people who stutter to achieve full communicative potential.
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Hospitals and Health Care
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StutteringSpeech therapyClinical EducationPublic advocacyAwareness-raisingCommunity buildingand Social impact

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