Custom manufacturer of structural foam, prototypes, small batch tools and molds. Materials worked with include metal, glass, plastics and ceramics. Rapid prototyping or tooling, injection molding, CNC machining and casting services are available. Secondary services including painting, EMI or RFI shielding, assembly, custom packaging, hot stamping, silk printing and finishing services. Serves the medical, food, aerospace, electrical and electronics industries.
Business Model
Custom Manufacturer
Structural Foam Molds, Stereolithography (SLA) Molds, Dies & Molds, Machinery, Tools & Supplies, Custom Foam, Foam, Plastics, Plastics & Rubber, Foam Molds, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Molds
HQ Location
Orlando, FL 32803
Main Products
Casting ServicesMachiningAdditive Manufacturing ServicesMilling ServicesFabrication ServicesMoldsTurning ServicesRapid Tooling ServicesPrototyping ServicesPlastics
Structural foam manufacturingStereolithography (SLA) mold makingDie and mold makingRapid prototypingInjection moldingCNC machiningCastingEMI or RFI shieldingCustom packaging design
Structural foam moldsStereolithography (SLA) moldsDies & moldsPrototypesSmall batch toolsInjection molding servicesCNC machining servicesCasting servicesPainting servicesEMI or RFI shielding servicesAssembly servicesCustom packaging servicesHot stamping servicesSilk printing servicesFinishing services