we are the haiyang fountain equipment limited company,our company has orgnaized since 1984,deeply from the customer high praise,we realized the survival of our company is depand on customer demand,many years radicaly,our company product weeds though the old to bring forth the new,if you want your eruptive fountain uniquely, asks you to choose us, our each section eruptive fountain design is not identical, if you solid want your eruptive fountain to be durable, excellent in quality and reasonable in price, please choose us, our eruptive fountain nozzle, the colored lantern, music control system, the pipeline, All is our company produces development. us to have the strict product surveillance standard, each part all passes through our strict test, and we implement for a year free to our project to visit the maintenance service, 10 years cost service since. therefore many years our customer has been extremely high to our company's product and the consummation service appraisal. if you must choose the eruptive fountain, that chooses our haiyang fountain.