fs AGENCY is a creative communications and pr agency focused on Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle. The portfolio holds topbrands like Tom Ford Beauty, Michael Kors beauty, Piaget, Chantelle, Passionata and Speedo. Services vary from strategy, communicationplanning to hands on PR. The company has a large showroom at one of the most beautiful and oldest canals in Amsterdam, Brouwersgracht in a 17th century warehouse.
fs AGENCY originates from gallery FuzzyArt. Owner Dominique Lap generated an enormous amount of PR for the comic artists that exhibited and in 2003 she decided to start something new - a PR agency. The original name FuzzyShots was changed in 2013 to fs AGENCY together with the logo to be more in line with the (international) clients. Over the years the company grew and currenly holds over 70 brands in its portfolio.