People have too many keys, fobs, and ID cards. Wallets are busting at the seams. Pants are wearing out in unflattering places. Awkward bulges turning otherwise flattering clothing into the war zone version of lumpy potatoes.
People want to casually walk into a building, not drop their coffee fumbling for the right object to flash in front of a discriminating plastic scanner only to put it away a split second later, pickup their mangled cup and “Houdini” into the door before it closes and locks them out again. You know you’ve been there.
We’ve weighed, we’ve measured, and we’ve found the status quo wanting. People are juggling just as much in their hands as they are in their lives. There is a visceral sensation that each key drop is a symbolic gesture driving people one step closer to dropping everything and moving to a tropical island.
fobbr is for those looking to stop dropping, losing, and hating their keys. With a laser focused “simplify” mentality, we built fobbr with a belief that technology, when done well, is indistinguishable from magic.
fobbr offers hands free access to your work, your home, your elevator, your gym — anywhere you need an RFID card or fob to gain access.
fobbr is a wearable, and a simple to use cloning device that allows you to clone all of your existing cards and fobs onto one device — bye keys!