factorE is a wealthtech tool built for intelligent investing. Powered by machine learning, factorE uncovers the risks and exposures of multi-asset portfolios through visual simulations on a single, easy-to-use interface. factorE was designed to help advisors, portfolio managers and analysts better understand the factors impacting today's diverse portfolios.
With factorE, users can:
• Show clients the risk factors in their portfolios through easy-to-understand graphic representations.
• Evaluate the exposures of alternative strategies in one simple interface.
• Design highly customized alternative allocations with confidence.
• Perform scenario analysis by stress testing a portfolio in various economic conditions.
• More effectively incorporate investments with short track records by simulating performance using their factor exposures.
• Compare and contrast entire portfolios, specific sleeves, or individual managers. Financial professionals can easily demonstrate why changes are made to a portfolio and how the changes may help clients in achieving their financial goals.