Hello dear friends,
We are glad to announce that the new way of making deals is now live!
The e-gree app is available on Appstore and Google Play: https://e-gree.app/applink
Setting off into the complex world of the legal system can feel daunting. An ocean of slow-moving and expensive lawyers. Litigation that is impossible to navigate or understand on your own.
Rather than drifting helplessly through this archaic system – e-gree can help.
It is your speedboat. And it puts you in control.
e-gree allows you to chart your own course and make your own rules.
Create your own personalised and uncomplicated written agreements that alleviate misunderstandings and the need for litigation.
That’s why we built e-gree – to allow real people the world over to protect their interests, save and manage their e-greements, and even get justice if those e-greements are broken.
e-gree lives on your most personal device – your smartphone. That means we are always with you, ready to quickly and easily jump in and protect your interests. By spending time with e-gree, you can learn about various e-greements, and how to use them to protect yourself.
And you’ll never lose record of an e-greement you’ve made – we will store them safely for you.
Simple. Secure. Direct. And inexpensive.
From a serious contract, to simply wanting to put a handshake in writing, e-gree has multiple written agreements to suit your needs. Here are just a few of the e-greements you can use to protect your interests: