ecoSPEARS is a cleantech remediation developer that’s disrupting the way we restore contaminated soil, sediment, and water that has been impacted by PCBs, dioxins, PFAS, and other persistent organic toxins. ecoSPEARS provides sustainable, cost-effective technologies to extract and eliminate toxins from contaminated soil, sediment and water, giving polluted lands and waterways a second chance at life.
Environmental Services
HQ Location
309 Cranes Roost Blvd
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701, US
PCBs remediationDioxins remediationPFAS remediationPersistent organic toxins removalSustainable environmental cleanup
Cleantech remediation solutionsToxin extraction technologiesContaminated soil treatmentContaminated sediment treatmentContaminated water treatment
Environmental RemediatioSoil RemediatioGroundwater RemediatioSediment RemediatioContaminated Site RemediatioCleantechPersistent Organic PollutantsPolychlorinated BiphenylsPCBsEmerging Contaminants