eXtreme365 is the hub where Microsoft Dynamics 365 partners come together to forge business relationships, gain knowledge from real-world experiences and dive deep into current and future technologies.
We conduct conferences focused on Microsoft Dynamics Partners in the United States and in Europe. Our objectives are:
• Deliver a clear understanding of Microsoft's strategy and product roadmap for Microsoft Dynamics
365 and how it relates to xRM
• Teach partners how to position the Microsoft Dynamics 365 / xRM branding and messaging to
their clients and prospects
• Create a connection between Microsoft product experts, peers and Microsoft Dynamics 365 ISVs to the
reselling community
• Help partners understand how to increase the profitability of your practice
• Teach the partners how to compete successfully against 365 competitors
• Teach partners how to leverage Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a platform and how new releases extends
those capabilities
• Generate excitement within the channel to sell more Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions