Founded by Nobel laureate Christian de Duve, the de Duve Institute is a multidisciplinary biomedical research institute bringing together more than 250 researchers and technicians from close to 40 countries on the UCLouvain campus in Brussels, who strive to better understand diseases in order to better cure them.
To achieve this goal, research at the Institute is based on three principles: priority to basic research and to the freedom of the investigators, focus on medical benefits resulting from basic discoveries, special attention to collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
Current research at the de Duve Institute is covering many areas of basic biomedical research, with the aim to improve the diagnosis and treatment of:
- Cancers, leukemias and lymphomas, and their treatment with immunotherapy;
- Acquired (diabetes) and hereditary (rare diseases) metabolic diseases;
- Diseases related to immunity disorders (asthma, multiple sclerosis, systemic scleroderma, Crohn's disease, psoriasis);
- Viral and bacterial infections, with a major research focus on the development of new antibiotics and new ways to fight bacteria;
- Developmental disorders of vascular (angioma, lymphedema) and skeletal (cleft lip) systems.
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