As recently as the late 1990’s your advertising needs could usually be satisfied with just two or three mediums. At that time, many of our clients thrived with newsprint, direct mail/inserts, TV and radio. The cardinal rule of seventy (reaching at least 70% of one’s target audience) could be achieved quickly and easily.
Today, media fragmentation has seriously muddied the waters. Facebook, Google AdWords, Twitter, web banner ads, satellite radio, home DVR’s, and a myriad of additional media options are creating confusion for many advertisers. At times digital products are turning in an unsustainable cost per sale. Traditional media like TV, radio, newspaper, inserts, direct mail, billboards, etc., have experienced large revenue losses and now offer great fire sale opportunities. Where are the real values? Measuring who should stay and who should go is what we do. It is in fact our specialty. If the R.O.I. isn't right we know exactly who to cut.
The new media world can be maddening and difficult to navigate, but the goal is still the same; reach at least 70% of your target audience with a compelling message in their buying cycle… and that’s what WE DO. We make that happen for you. So before we create that “compelling message” and eye-catching design, we begin with (“the Science”) necessary to help you achieve the elusive 70% goal.