credentîa is a credit management and debt collection business specialist. Created to help people and companies in financial distress solving their financial issues through a friendlier approach with a prime service; the most accurate info, the best proposals with simple solutions and a rigorous follow up. Conceived to act in the NPL global market, prepared to manage B2B and B2C portfolios and huge volumes of small credits. credentîa never stops improving, developing and testing its unique integrated management system, a fusion of TIC up-to-date platform with best practices and accurate management methods, innovating and simplifying operational approach. Our goal is to provide the best service to our customers with an effective business efficiency.
We have created various software and organisational tools and methods (the automatised InfoCom software device, the Credit Consolidation platform, the “credentîa Scoring & Management” for debt portfolios analysis and acquisition, …) very user friendly. Our proprietary EPM, ERP and CRM allows us to have a smart connection to our customers and simultaneously simplifies our operational procedures, reduces our back office work and driven all levels of management control with paperless technology and energy savings.
What is the CMB; from invoicing through sales ledger services, reminders and collection to debt surveillance and collection of written-off receivables and also purchased debt and other specialized services.
Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the need for professional credit management in every customer relation even as early as the credit evaluation stage, this will multiply the chances of both new and added sales throughout the entire CMB chain.