GS Elektromedizinische Geräte G. Stemple GmbH was founded in 1982 by the Managing Director and proprietor Günter Stemple. The GS mission ever was (and still is) to design and engineer innovative products, rugged and suitable for preclinical cardiotherapy treatment.
The company is located in Kaufering/Bavaria. The world-wide distribution is outsourced and based on independent external companies. In its home office both development and production of the corpuls equipment is carried out.
Even in times of globalisation and cost pressure GS focuses on highly trained engineers and quality “made in Germany”.We don’t leave something to chance! Each unit is examined thoroughly before leaving our factory. Every single employee of our company stands up for that.
The essential aspect in the product philosophy is to be found in every single part the product range of GS Elektromed. Geräte G. Stemple GmbH: Highest possible quality, paired with reliability and ruggedness of each manufactured defibrillator/ patient monitoring systems in order to meet the special requirements in the Emergency Medical markets.
Already in the design phase, GS development ensures that future corpuls hard- and software updates are easy upgradable. Without them having to purchase a new device, they may update their corpuls defibrillator and patient monitoring system to the latest state-of-the-art, at any time.