“cnap.me” (pronounced “snap me”) is a cloud delivery platform and cnap&go “Your computer on a USB key or mobile phone” is this ground breaking technology start-up’s flagship product, born of a vision and desire to provide anyone and everyone with their desktop, data, applications and services from the “Cloud” wherever they happen to be globally and irrespective of the quality of internet access and technology available.
Cloud based offerings are not feasible for much of the world’s population. They do not scale well over current Internet deployments. The net result is that only privileged elites in developed economies reap the benefits of reliable SaaS (Software as a Service).
cnap.me have overcome the technical challenges that prevent enabling software and services for teaching, communications and commerce to be delivered where bandwidth is either low or patchy and unreliable at best.
The company has fully tested the CNAP (Compound Network Application Network) delivery platform utilising university knowledge transfer practices with post graduates and academics. In the process a strong working relationship with universities has emerged leading to the Faculty of Technology at Birmingham City University adopting the technology in-house for student and teacher access to their computer based applications, services and learning programmes, on and off campus, and resulting in the set-up of a Joint Venture.