法尚是一家独立的创意和战略策略咨询公司。由Elie Papiernik先生和David Nitlich先生于1988年创建,Thibault Ponroy先生于2009年加入。集团的使命是为其客户创造持久的价值。遍布各地的国际化公司,法尚现拥有超过100位创意人员。公司倚重打造独特的和情感化的品牌。法尚为国际大客户和大量本土客户提供一系列的投资组合管理服务。法尚经过数年的业务发展已经在巴黎、上海、卡萨布兰卡、香港、迪拜,圣保罗,日内瓦建立了分公司以及最近的北京和广州。
centdegrés is an independent group of global design.The agency was founded in 1988 by Elie Papiernik and David Nitlich and joined by Thibault Ponroy in 2009. Through all the international agencies, centdegrés counts more than 100 creative people. The agency relies on building unique and emotional brands. The agency manages a portfolio of international key accounts and a large number of local customers in all its entities. Through years centdegrés has established international offices: Paris, Shanghai, Casablanca, Hong Kong, Dubai, São Paulo, Geneva and recently Beijing and Guangzhou.
法尚自2008年步入中国市场并在上海开设了第一家办公室。法尚致力于打造独特的战略策划、有价值的、持久的、被渴望的品牌。经过数年发展,法尚对中国文化和传承有了深度了解。中国文化背景结合法国创意专业技能使得公司对客户要求有精准的解答。在中国,法尚通过不同的领域体现其专业技能:美容包括美妆品和肌肤护理,时尚 & 生活方式, 健康 & 养生,食品 & 饮料,香氛。公司的目标是回应市场增长的需求扩展其投资组合管理服务。
centdegrés stepped into the Chinese market in 2008 by opening its first office in Shanghai. centdegrés aims to build strategically unique, valuable, durable, desirable brands for local clients. Through years, centdegrés has acquired a good understanding of the Chinese culture and heritage. Chinese background combined with the French creative expertise allows the agency to answer accurately its clients demand. In China, centdegrés manifests its know-how through divers industries: Beauty including cosmetics and skincare, Fashion & Lifestyle, Health & Wellbeing, Food & Beverage, Perfumes. The agency’s ambition is to expand its portfolio into new industries according the growing market demand.