bitMiles is a patent-pending technology designed to identify, engage, and promote relationships with Brand Ambassadors, through real time research, data and loyalty solutions.
bitMiles Real Time Chat - An interactive and immediate way for brands and companies to talk with their fans and audience.
The technology can be white labeled and customized to the company's overall look. As a chatbot, bitmiles Real Time Chat generates a conversation with the users using texts, pictures and links.
As a brand management system, bitMiles can help manage your global campaigns and customer relationships, bitMiles provides a unique opportunity to:
• Capture proprietary insights into the rational and emotional factors that govern customer decision
making—how, when, and why they engage and disengage from brands,
• Establish direct partnerships with early brand adopters and advocates as well as the Brand Ambassadors who can drive the uptake and sustained success of global brands,
• Overcome the challenges of ad-blocker technologies,
• Recognize and reward customers who define and promote the unique value of a brand,
• Educate customers on the brand's products and services.
bitMiles is a customizable API that can be implemented on any website or mobile app, offering an easy-to-use 24/7 interface with customers now recognized as critical for the enduring value of global brands.