At bakergoodchild, you can utilise our years of printing, mailing and posting experience, with investment in the latest technology, to obtain high speed, environmentally friendly mailing services at very competitive prices.
We can support your business by providing print, mail and postal solutions from end to end - from initial planning, through to postage savings on despatch, plus all the elements in-between. Our mailing services include: direct mail, personalisation, print management, data processing and bulk postage rates.
Whether you need us to help with all, or just part of your mailing activities, we'll work as part of your team to help you get the job done in the most cost-effective and efficient way.
Advertising Services, Mail-handling machines, Office Automation, Telecommunications Industry, Advertising agencies, Database administration services, Information technology (IT) and Internet, IT, Internet, R&D, Direct mail organisations, Services to businesses
HQ Location
6-7 Windsor Industrial Estate
Rupert Street
Birmingham, West Midlands B7 4PR, GB
Direct MailPrint ManagementBulk PostagePersonalisationDirect MarketingMail fulfilmentMedia BuyingEmail Marketingand Customer Communications