Zyantus EClaims and Zyantus OS Billing provide solutions for electronic claims processing and revenue cycle optimization for medical, chiropractic, dental and orthodontic offices. Zyantus Eclaims provides training and support to increase medical office efficiency. Zyantus OS Billing is a complete medical billing service. Billing and collections are made easy with OS Billing. As a trusted leader in the industry, Zyantus can handle all of your billing needs so you can reduce the time spent on administrative tasks and increase your monthly income immediately.
Over the past 13 years, Zyantus has developed a loyal client base earning high service ratings and positive customer feedback. Its easy-to-use program, comprehensive services and rapid response to customer needs have molded Zyantus into the office solution company it is today. Zyantus is your all-in-one solution for billing and claims processing. To learn more about Zyantus, visit www.zyantus.com.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
2201 Central Ave, Ste D
Kearney, NE 68847, US
Electronic insurance claims processingCustomer Service SupportInsurance Eligibility VerificatioClaim Status InquiriesERA ReportsERA Data FilesMedical Billing ServiceBilling Consultations on Revenue EnhancementConsultations on Billing Optimizatio