We are in the process of developing the next generation shopping price comparison and personal shopper service dedicated purely to the consumer. Founded in 2012, Zumur (Zumur.com) will allow consumers to find the right product, at the right price, and at the right time. We will enable you to search across all the sources and source types (pricing comparison engines, classifieds, and auctions) across the web. Once you determine what you want and at what price, Zumur will also provide revolutionary personal shopper functionality which automatically searches for you on a predetermined basis and informs you when it finds what you're looking for. NO longer do you have to waste time jumping from website to website to find what you want at the right price...just decide, set-up your personal shopping agent, and let us do your shopping for you giving you more time to do the things that you need to do.
We are confident that Zumur will be the premier consumer advocate for online shoppers and we're very excited to have you on board. We value your questions, thoughts, and feedback so please leave us a message here at any time. Also, go to Zumur.com and register your email address for the latest developments and news as we move forward to launch.
Thank you.