Zlatá koruna is divided into 3 main projects - contest of financial products, Forums of Zlata koruna and informative financial web. All Zlata koruna´s supporting activities contribute to well-balanced competition, improve the financial literacy of Czech citizens and help in orientation in economic and financial issues to public.
Since 2003, the contest of financial products Zlata koruna is held under the auspices of Czech Ministers of Finance. Every year it awards the best financial products available on the Czech market. In 2014 it was the twelfth volume taking place. There were 205 products enrolled by 77 financial institutions. Zlata koruna contest has earned a reputation for evaluating the best products in 15 categories assessed by the Financial Academy, consisting of almost 310 prominent financial experts.
Forums of Zlata koruna rank among significant activities of the project since 2007. They take place two to three times a year, relating to up-to-date topics and providing opportunity for impartial discussion to prominent experts, primarily from the financial and economic field, both Czech and foreign. Forums of Zlata koruna are attractive not only for the topics discussed, but also for the number of participants, which amounts to as many as 400. The Forums regularly receive publicity and attention of the media. They are habitually covered by television and major newspapers, as well as on-line.
The web page www.zlatakoruna.info is the Czech most extensive specialized financial server. Currently contains information on almost 700 financial products, their detailed comparison, and possibility of on-line sell.
Financial Services, Moneylenders and pawnbrokers, Financial and insurance services, Business Services
HQ Location
K Rybníčkům 26
Praha 10, 10000, CZ
Zlatá koruna (competition)Financial web www.zlatakoruna.infoand Forum of Zlata koruna