General information
BRIEF INFORMATION ON YOUNGSTAR PRODUCTIONYoungStar Production began in 2006, in the township of Kwa-Mashu, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. It was established to primarily to raise young artists in the Art/Entertainment industry and further to contribute to the fight against high crime rates and violence, poverty, ignorance and low self-esteem through the provision of edutainment.Founded by Gabriel YoungStar Masango who has been involved in artistic development for over seven (7) years, YoungStar has shared junior artistic stages at regional, national and international levels and has produced many quality artists from South Africa and collaboration with Davy sicared (Reunion Island). The production company is currently known for its pioneering abilities and its positive contribution to the strengthening of the community in Kwa-Mashu and is working to unify dancers, poets, Comedians (Drama) and musicians.The company/artist traveled to Mozambique, Lesotho, Reunion Island, Cape Town, JHB, Malawi, Port Elizabeth, European tour for different music/dance festival. Etc…The company have been supported by art and living culture for some of the development project and been helping the department of art and living culture with dance for the wellness program for the team of department of eThekwini Municipality and some more events… The production is affiliated to Kwa-Mashu School of Dance Theatre and Dusi Dance Company, which are in turn affiliates of South African dance companies of African Contemporary Dance.YoungStar Production Company Also • organize events • promotes, Market and manage artists • provides sound for hire • Recording Studio facilities• Teaches Dance, poetry, Music and Drama
YoungStar Production have been performing(working) professional from 2009 around Durban and International, National for events, club’s, path’s, festival’s etc…YoungStar Production has been producing artists from 2009 for local /international artists and its work has been a liked around Durban.