Young European Leadership (YEL) is an international nonprofit and nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering young leaders and future decision makers from Europe and beyond. Through engaging activities, YEL aims to inspire and enable these leaders from all backgrounds to shape their own future the future of Europe, fostering innovative solutions to local and global challenges. YEL’s international team is composed by young people who, together with other Young European Leaders on all levels, seek to jointly work on shaping their generation’s and Europe’s future for the better.
Among YEL’s activities YEL is responsible to recruit and train the European Union delegations to the official young G7/G20 outreach programs, and participates in a multitude of international conferences to give young people the opportunity to present their concerns and provide critical as well as innovative policy input. YEL promotes new forms of engagement and connects aspiring leaders directly with senior decision makers, e.g. at the Young European Council or Eat & Meet.