The Young Composers Project (YCP) is a scheme set up by Birmingham Conservatoire and composers Kirsty Devaney and Joe Cutler, to support young composers in the UK. We offer a number of free courses and workshops throughout the year where students will work closely with Conservatoire student composers and instrumentalists and professional musicians. Once you join YCP you are part of the family so you will receive information about other composing opportunities, have access to reduced ticket prices for concerts at the Conservatoire, and continue having composing support through email. Each year we professionally commission a past YCP member. YCP also visits schools and planning to create composing resources for schools and teachers.
Our Aims:
1) Create a safe space and community where young people feel free to confidently share ideas, explore their own music creatively and receive regular supportive feedback and guidance on their music.
2) Allow young people to experience real composing practice and life at the Conservatoire whilst supporting them through their long-term composing progression.