To provide the maximum amount of exposure opportunities to our network we are putting a poster on every wall, and a digital magazine in every inbox.
For the past 5 years Young Black & N' Business has been helping entrepreneurs build their professional network, meet new customers, and leverage the power of marketing.
With the introduction of the Young Black & N' Business Lifestyle Magazine we have elevated our ability to serve our network through a professionally created and widely distributed digital magazine.
Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs that purchase advertising space automatically become members of our Committee of Advertisers where they have access to:
"Meet the Publisher" Live Zoom Orientations and Trainings: Learn how to Harness the Power of Digital Marketing for Your Business
Private Facebook Group- Network with like minded business owners with a vested interest in their professional growth and development
Professionally created marketing collateral that comes with purchase of their advertising space.
Along with the introduction of the magazine, we are also introducing an official Nominating Committee for the Young Back & N' Business Signature Poster to help us identify the 100 Faces in San Diego County that will be recognized for the 2021 Annual Signature Poster.
The Nominating Committee is invited only and is composed of industry leaders, subject matter experts, and community activists. With their insight within their various networks we are looking forward to producing a poster that truly introduces San Diego to individuals deserving of recognition.