All life is yoga, right? The way you move on the mat is the way you do your job, the way you raise your kids, the way you move through the world. If nothing else, yoga should make you take yourself a little less seriously. So let our practice lighten you up.
Our beautiful, spacious home in the heart of Portland’s historic Pearl District buzzes with laughter, conversation, and a whole lotta sweat. Walk into our living room and find a flurry of dogs and hugs amidst the glowing hellos and goodbyes. You can’t help but keep it real when you’re surrounded by a bunch of cool cats who just wanna get their butts kicked and live well while doing it. Join our one-of-a-kind community and jump into a variety of yoga classes to match anything you’re craving.
YoYoYogi offers yoga classes, hot yoga classes, meditation, yoga retreats and yoga teacher training. Laugh well. Live well. We’ve got your back.