YesPromotion is a factory in Taiwan. We serve your demands for fast delivery of promotional items by advanced technology and machinery, by stocking all items, by our dynamic web system and by our experienced technical, graphic, production and sales teams.
Established in 2007 by applying new marketing concepts for the promotional merchandise industry, we aim to make the competition irrelevant. We serve your demands for faster delivery, take your smaller orders and develop new items that are not available elsewhere. Our customers cultivate new markets by taking advantages of our capability and competition edges. There are vast opportunities.
To avoid being followed all the way by competitors, we move to the high end technology.
Sublimation takes over 65% of our turnover now. Our technology and machinery are from Japan and Italy. Fast Inkjet printers from Mimaki and Mutoh Japan and Large and small roll to roll transfer printers from Italian Monti Antonio (858, 853, 855 and 70).
We deployed large space flat-bed inkjet printers from Mimaki Japan and fast-speed laser-cutting and CO2 laser-engraving from Taiwan. By a combination of the two technologies, we developed innovative items that meet no competition.
We also offer an easy-to-use business platform with functions of web inquiries, on-line quotations and orders.
Advertising Services, Cushion, Household Textiles, Houseware, Packaging Bag, Packaging Bags & Nets, Packaging, Printing & Advertising, Shopping Bag, Special Purpose Bags, Luggage, Bags & Cases
HQ Location
No. 23, Lane 430, Fude 1st Rd., Xizhi Dist.
New Taipei City, 22150, TW
Cloth MasksBandanasTowelsVolunteer VestsLanyardsTote BagsShopping Bagsand Mouse Pads